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Services (10)

  • Root Canal Treatment

    Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that is performed over two to three sessions to save a severely infected or damaged tooth from extraction. During the procedure, our dental surgeon Dr. Dushyant will remove the infected pulp from the tooth's root canal, clean and disinfect the area, and fill the canal with a dental material to prevent further infection. While the procedure may take two to three sessions, it is a highly successful way to save a natural tooth and restore full dental function.

  • Scaling & Polishing

    Scaling and polishing is a dental procedure that involves removing plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth and gums, followed by a thorough polishing to remove surface stains and smooth the tooth surfaces. This non-invasive procedure helps prevent gum disease, removes surface stains, and leaves your teeth feeling fresh and clean. Scaling and polishing is typically recommended every six months as part of routine dental care.

  • Invisalign Consultation

    Get a straighter and healthier smile with Invisalign - the clear alternative to traditional braces. During your consultation, our experienced orthodontists will assess your teeth and develop a customized treatment plan using state-of-the-art technology. Say goodbye to uncomfortable metal brackets and wires and hello to a more comfortable and discreet teeth straightening solution. Book your Invisalign consultation today and take the first step towards a confident smile!

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Blog Posts (10)

  • Dental Care for Children: Tips to Ensure Lifelong Oral Health

    Instilling good oral hygiene habits in children is crucial for their long-term oral health. By teaching them proper dental care practices from an early age, we set them on a path towards a lifetime of healthy smiles. In this blog post, we'll discuss essential tips and strategies to ensure optimal dental care for children and promote lifelong oral health. 1. Start Early: The Importance of Early Dental Care: It's never too early to begin caring for your child's oral health. Even before the eruption of their first tooth, gently wipe their gums with a soft cloth after feedings. As soon as their first tooth emerges, start brushing with an infant toothbrush and a smear of fluoride toothpaste. 2. Develop a Consistent Brushing Routine: Encourage your child to brush their teeth at least twice a day, using a child-sized toothbrush and a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Make brushing time fun by singing songs or using a timer to ensure they brush for the recommended two minutes. 3. Introduce Flossing: As soon as your child's teeth start touching, it's time to introduce flossing. Teach them the proper technique and help them floss until they can do it independently. Flossing removes food particles and plaque between teeth, preventing cavities and gum disease. 4. Healthy Diet for Healthy Teeth: Emphasize the importance of a balanced diet for good oral health. Limit sugary snacks and drinks, and encourage healthy alternatives like fruits, vegetables, and dairy products. Drinking plenty of water and avoiding prolonged exposure to sugary substances also helps prevent tooth decay. 5. Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule your child's first dental visit by their first birthday or as recommended by their dentist. Regular check-ups allow the dentist to monitor their oral health, detect any issues early on, and provide preventive treatments like dental sealants or fluoride applications. 6. Teach Proper Oral Care Techniques: Show your child the correct way to brush and floss their teeth, emphasizing gentle motions and reaching all surfaces. Lead by example and brush your teeth together as a family. Make it a positive and enjoyable experience to instill a lifelong commitment to oral hygiene. 7. Encourage Healthy Habits: Promote habits that protect oral health, such as avoiding thumb-sucking beyond a certain age and discouraging prolonged use of pacifiers or bottles. These habits can affect dental development and lead to misalignment or other issues. 8. Educate About the Consequences: Explain to your child the importance of oral health and the potential consequences of poor dental care, such as cavities, gum disease, and discomfort. Help them understand the value of taking care of their teeth and how it contributes to their overall well-being. By following these essential tips, parents can lay a strong foundation for their child's lifelong oral health. Teaching proper dental care practices, promoting a healthy diet, and scheduling regular dental check-ups are key to preventing dental problems and instilling good habits. Remember, a healthy smile begins in childhood, and investing in your child's oral health today sets them up for a lifetime of beautiful, strong teeth and a confident smile.

  • Understanding Wisdom Teeth: Common Problems and Treatment Options

    Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often make their appearance during the late teenage years or early adulthood. While some individuals have no issues with their wisdom teeth, many experience problems that require attention. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of wisdom teeth, exploring the common problems they can cause and the available treatment options. 1. The Purpose and Anatomy of Wisdom Teeth: Wisdom teeth were once necessary for our ancestors who had larger jaws and needed the extra set of molars for proper chewing. However, modern humans have evolved smaller jaws, leaving limited space for wisdom teeth to emerge. Understanding the anatomy of these teeth helps shed light on the challenges they can present. 2. Common Problems Associated with Wisdom Teeth: Impacted wisdom teeth occur when there isn't enough space for them to fully emerge or align properly with the rest of the teeth. This can lead to a range of problems, including pain, swelling, infection, gum disease, tooth decay, and damage to neighboring teeth. Exploring these common issues helps recognize potential symptoms and seek timely intervention. 3. Signs and Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth Problems: Recognizing the signs of wisdom teeth problems can aid in early diagnosis and treatment. Symptoms may include jaw pain, difficulty opening the mouth, swollen or bleeding gums, bad breath, headaches, and changes in the bite. Consulting a dental professional is crucial for a proper evaluation and tailored treatment plan. 4. Diagnosis and Treatment Options: Through dental examination and imaging techniques, a dentist can assess the position and condition of the wisdom teeth. Treatment options depend on the specific case but may include: - Extraction: The most common solution for problematic wisdom teeth is extraction. This procedure is often performed under local anesthesia, and the dentist may recommend removing all four wisdom teeth or just the affected ones. - Surgical Intervention: In cases of severe impaction or complications, surgical techniques may be required to access and remove the impacted teeth. - Management and Monitoring: In some instances, if the wisdom teeth are not causing immediate problems, a dentist may suggest a management plan involving regular monitoring and preventive measures to avoid future complications. 5. Preparing for Wisdom Tooth Extraction: For those needing wisdom tooth extraction, understanding the preparation process is essential. The dentist will provide instructions on pre-operative care, such as dietary restrictions, medication guidelines, and arranging transportation to and from the dental office. 6. Aftercare and Recovery: Post-extraction care plays a vital role in ensuring a smooth recovery. Following the dentist's instructions regarding pain management, oral hygiene, diet, and activity restrictions is crucial. Proper aftercare promotes healing and reduces the risk of complications. Understanding wisdom teeth and the potential problems they can cause is important for maintaining optimal oral health. By recognizing the signs of wisdom tooth issues and seeking timely treatment, individuals can prevent pain, infection, and other complications. Regular dental check-ups and discussions with a dental professional are key to addressing wisdom teeth concerns and making informed decisions about treatment options. Remember, knowledge is power when it comes to your oral health and the well-being of your smile.

  • The Impact of a Smile in the Corporate World: Professional Success and Image

    In the competitive corporate world, success often goes hand in hand with making positive impressions. One powerful tool that can leave a lasting impact on colleagues, clients, and superiors is a genuine and confident smile. In this blog post, we'll explore the significance of a smile in the corporate world, and how it can contribute to professional success and image. 1. Building Rapport and Trust: A smile is a universal language that fosters rapport and establishes trust. When you greet others with a warm smile, it creates a welcoming and approachable demeanor. This can help build relationships with colleagues, clients, and business partners, leading to enhanced collaboration and trust in your professional interactions. 2. Conveying Confidence and Positivity: A smile exudes confidence and positivity, which are highly valued traits in the corporate environment. By showcasing a genuine smile, you project a sense of self-assurance, optimism, and a can-do attitude. This can contribute to your professional image and inspire confidence in your abilities and leadership. 3. Enhancing Communication: Communication skills play a vital role in career progression. A smile can enhance your communication by creating an inviting atmosphere for open dialogue and fostering positive interactions. When you smile while speaking or listening, it demonstrates attentiveness, approachability, and a genuine interest in others' perspectives. 4. Leaving a Lasting Impression: First impressions matter, and a genuine smile can leave a positive and memorable impact on colleagues, clients, and potential employers. It sets the tone for professional relationships and can make you more memorable in a sea of faces. People are more likely to remember and recommend individuals who leave a positive and friendly impression. 5. Managing Stress and Promoting Well-being: The corporate world often comes with high levels of stress and pressure. Smiling can be a powerful tool to manage stress and promote well-being. Research suggests that smiling triggers the release of endorphins, which are natural mood enhancers. By smiling, you can create a positive mindset, reduce stress levels, and improve your overall emotional well-being. 6. Personal and Professional Branding: Your smile contributes to your personal and professional branding. It showcases your attention to personal grooming, self-care, and professionalism. A bright and healthy smile can help create a positive perception of your attention to detail, dedication to personal wellness, and overall professionalism. In the corporate world, a smile is more than a simple facial expression. It is a powerful tool that can open doors, build connections, and contribute to your professional success and image. By harnessing the positive impact of a smile, you can establish trust, communicate effectively, leave a lasting impression, manage stress, and enhance your overall well-being. So, let your smile be an integral part of your professional toolkit and unlock new opportunities in your career journey.

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Other Pages (20)

  • About us | Teeth Heal Wakad

    About Us A team of skilled and committed dental specialists, with years of experience and expertise, have joined forces to deliver top-notch dental care to individuals in and around Wakad. Our team of Dentists include - ​​ Oral Maxillofacial Surgeon (specialized in all sorts of Oral & Face surgeries) Prosthodontist & Implantologist (specializes in replacing lost teeth and Smile designing) Dental surgeon & Implantologist, Pedodontist (Children's specialist ​ Meet the Team PROSTHODONTIST & IMPLANTOLOGIST Dr. Aditi Salunke-Survade ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL SURGEON Dr. Mohit Survade DENTAL SURGEON Dr. Dushyant Raul PEDATRC & PREVENTVE DENTST Dr. Gaurav Vispute ORTHODONTIST Dr. Avdhoot Kaduskar ORTHODONTIST & INVISALIGN PROVIDER Dr. Aashita Mundada Address Shop No. 208, The Address Commercia, Bhujbal Chowk, Wakad 411 057 Phone 9561 321 404 Email Connect Explore

  • What Patients Are Saying | Teeth Heal Wakad

    Reviews & Feedback What Patients Are Saying The most rewarding part of our job is hearing about how we’ve transformed our patients’ smiles. From the simplest of dental cleanings to the most complex restorative treatments, we employ the same level of care and expertise for everyone. Scroll down to learn more about what our patients have to say about their experiences with us. Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Anjali Kavar Learn More Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied Apurva Sahasrabuddhe Surgical Extraction of Wisdom tooth Learn More Add a Review How Was Your Experience? Would you recommend us to your friends? Yes No Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Denture insertion instructions | Teeth Heal Wakad

    Post-Denture Delivery Instructions This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors. New dentures are your new body parts. It will take some time for you to get used to them. Average time required is 8-10days . Maintain your follow up appointment schedule given by your prosthodontist, follow ups are as important as the denture insertion appointment. Initially there occurs a lot of salivation ,when you start using new dentures. This excessive salivation will reduce as and only if you start using the dentures regularly. Do not expect to be able to eat everything with dentures on the very first day! Start with liquids, shift to semi solid foods( khichdi, Shira, upma, etc.) and then shift to regular meals. This way you get used to chewing with dentures in a step wise manner. Always remove your dentures every night before sleeping. Always keep the dentures immersed in normal temperature water when you aren't wearing them. Speak as much as you can wearing new dentures in initial 8-10days. This way you easily get used to the dentures and also the rate of salivation decreases. Always brush only on the teeth side of dentures. The reverse side has you measurements and needs to be cleaned using fingers. While chewing using dentures, make sure food in in between teeth on both the sides and try to bite on both sides. This needs practice as we are used to chewing on side with our natural teeth If you have been advised to use denture adhesive powder by your prosthodontist, kindly make sure you clean the powder from the denture surface as well as from the gums regularly. There are chances of developing fungal infections if powder stays on gums for long.

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