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10 items found for ""

  • Root Canal Treatment

    Root canal treatment is a dental procedure that is performed over two to three sessions to save a severely infected or damaged tooth from extraction. During the procedure, our dental surgeon Dr. Dushyant will remove the infected pulp from the tooth's root canal, clean and disinfect the area, and fill the canal with a dental material to prevent further infection. While the procedure may take two to three sessions, it is a highly successful way to save a natural tooth and restore full dental function.

  • Scaling & Polishing

    Scaling and polishing is a dental procedure that involves removing plaque and tartar buildup from the teeth and gums, followed by a thorough polishing to remove surface stains and smooth the tooth surfaces. This non-invasive procedure helps prevent gum disease, removes surface stains, and leaves your teeth feeling fresh and clean. Scaling and polishing is typically recommended every six months as part of routine dental care.

  • Invisalign Consultation

    Get a straighter and healthier smile with Invisalign - the clear alternative to traditional braces. During your consultation, our experienced orthodontists will assess your teeth and develop a customized treatment plan using state-of-the-art technology. Say goodbye to uncomfortable metal brackets and wires and hello to a more comfortable and discreet teeth straightening solution. Book your Invisalign consultation today and take the first step towards a confident smile!

  • Denture Consultation

    A denture consultation is an opportunity to discuss your tooth replacement options. During the consultation, we will examine your oral health, discuss the benefits and drawbacks of dentures, and create a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs. We will also help you choose the right type of denture and ensure that the option finalized fits comfortably and securely for a natural-looking smile

  • Smile Designing Consultation

    A smile design consultation is a personalized assessment and planning session with a dental professional to evaluate your current smile, discuss your goals and preferences, and develop a customized treatment plan to achieve your desired outcome. The consultation may involve a variety of diagnostic tools, such as digital imaging, impressions, and models, to help visualize and plan the optimal shape, size, and color of your teeth. This comprehensive approach considers both the functional and aesthetic aspects of your smile to ensure a natural, harmonious, and long-lasting result. A smile design consultation is the first step towards achieving your dream smile.

  • Dental Check-up

    Our Dental Checkup service is designed to provide you with comprehensive care and personalized treatment options for your oral health needs. During your visit, our experienced dental professionals will start by asking you about any concerns or problems you may be experiencing. We will listen attentively to understand how the issue started and gather relevant information. Following that, a thorough clinical examination will be conducted to assess the overall condition of your teeth, gums, and oral tissues. This examination helps us identify any underlying dental issues or potential areas of concern. In some cases, we may recommend taking a dental x-ray to obtain a more detailed view of your oral structures. The best part is that we do not charge separately for dental x-rays, as they are an essential part of our diagnostic process. After gathering all necessary information, our team will carefully analyze the findings and provide you with a clear diagnosis. We will discuss the diagnosis with you, ensuring that you have a complete understanding of your oral health status. Based on the diagnosis, we will present you with a range of suitable treatment options tailored to your specific needs. Our goal is to empower you to make informed decisions about your dental care. Lastly, we will collaborate with you to create a comprehensive treatment plan that aligns with your goals, preferences, and budget. We prioritize open communication and want to ensure you feel comfortable and confident in the treatment plan we propose. At our dental clinic, we are committed to delivering exceptional care and creating a positive dental experience for every patient. Schedule your Dental Checkup today and let us provide you with the personalized attention and quality treatment you deserve.

  • Wisdom Tooth Consultation

    A wisdom tooth consultation is an opportunity to evaluate the development and positioning of your wisdom teeth. During the consultation, we will examine your mouth, take X-rays, and discuss any potential issues related to your wisdom teeth. Based on this evaluation, we will recommend the appropriate treatment, which may include extraction or monitoring the teeth for any changes

  • Pediatric Dental Consultation

    A pediatric dental consultation is an opportunity for children to receive specialized dental care from a dental professional who is trained to work with children. During the consultation, we will evaluate your child's oral health, identify any potential issues, and create a personalized treatment plan that meets their unique needs. We will also set up an appointment with our panel Pediatric Dentist, if required. And also educate your child on proper oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing, we may recommend preventative treatments such as fluoride treatments and dental sealants to protect against tooth decay

  • Tooth Restoration (Dental Filing)

    Tooth restoration treatment is a dental procedure that involves restoring damaged or decayed teeth using restorative cements such as Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC) or Composite. GIC is a tooth-colored cement that releases fluoride to help prevent further decay and is commonly used for small to medium-sized cavities. Composite, on the other hand, is a tooth-colored resin material that is applied in layers to fill in larger cavities and restore the tooth's shape and function. We will evaluate the extent of the damage and recommend the appropriate type of restorative cement to restore your tooth's strength and appearance.

  • Dental Implants Consultation

    A dental implant consultation is a personalized evaluation with a dental professional to determine if dental implants are a suitable option for replacing missing teeth. The consultation may involve diagnostic tests, such as X-rays and CT scans, to assess bone density and overall oral health. Based on the results, a customized treatment plan is developed, including the number and type of implants, surgical procedures, and the cost and duration of the treatment. A dental implant consultation is the first step towards restoring your smile and regaining your oral function.

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